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What is a Billet?

The importance of billet families to the Pennsylvania Huntsmen is immeasurable. So, what is a Billet? Billets are families who host a junior hockey player in their homes for the duration of the season. Most players will head back home during the holiday break.  Part of our commitment to our players and their parents is to help provide them with good homes.  Their time with their billet family is a very important time of their lives.  They are away from their friends and family so their billets become their surrogate family.  While the billet families receive some monetary compensation, the real rewards are in the lasting relationships that are formed and can last a lifetime.  The responsibility of a billet family is not just to provide a safe home, but also support a young athletes dream while they play the sport they love. Being a billet is a great way to be part of the local community.

When taking in a billet, your support is crucial to these young athletes. They need to feel safe and welcome in your home. The Huntsmen ask that you live within a reasonable distance from the rink. The player must have their own bedroom and access to a closet. The player will be staying with you from August till when the season comes to an end in March. Players are also expected to follow the rules of the household set by the family. They need to take care of their own belongings and must clean up after themselves. Pennsylvania Background Checks must be completed before billeting a player, and the Huntsmen will cover that cost. A monthly stipend of $750 is given to billet families to help offset costs, but the potential reward is way beyond money. Your willingness to help these young athletes is something that both family and player will never forget. This is the chance to build a lifelong relationship.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Billet Coordinator:  

Jen Smoklenski

(610) 506-3512

Zach Overholtzer

General Manager - PA Huntsmen

Phone: 610 458 9160